
3 Days and Counting

Everytime I leave my current routine for several days-weeks a lot of change results. Lately I've been wondering why that is and I had come up with various theories that seemed to make logical sense.

Then yesterday at church the pastor was talking about the verse that says, "Be still and know that I am God". Then I thought about all the verses that speak of waking in the morning before the day begins (the busyness) and spending time with the Lord. I also realized the times where I really meet with God are the times I escape and I am just still before the Lord in the peace and stillness of a place.

I realized through all of that what God was telling me but He confirmed through others, times away from the routine allow for more intimate encounters with God.

Now I have to learn how to make those escapes apart of the routine. Until then, 3 days and counting



Life Through a Lense

At one point...in the not too distant past, I was afraid that I did not have any passions or a passion for that matter! I have come to discover otherwise...

I am passionate about the Lord,
     helping others along the way,
          working hard,
                  people in general,
          learning by observing,
     music (even though I have no musical ability)...
the random list continues.

I guess I bought into the lie that a passion has to be something distinct and obvious. For example, someone who is passionate about playing the piano. That passion is very clear and distinguishable. Mine on the other hand are vague, but I see it as opportunity to explore!

Home is Where My Heart Is

I got off the phone today with Lindsey and I am so pumped for Christmas break, it's going to be a memorable one!! Leigh is flying in from New York, Caleb is coming in town from Virginia, Kyle will be in town from Nashville...and then family, Lindsey, Crystal, Reese, Jordan, Joel, Brandon, and Joseph, and whoever else I am missing are already there. Yipee!!!

Christmas break is going to consist of...
-Catching up with old amazing friends
-Sleepovers with Jenny
-Coffee dates galore
-Christmas and New Years Parties
-Lots of baking
-Working out
-Reflection time on the past 4 1/2 months
-Find areas that need to grow and then start growing
-Finding my summer internship
-Picture madness
-LOTS of love...oh goodness, home.

11 more days I have to pump out and then 3 weeks of freedom!!! Praise the Lord for breaks from the ordinary routine.

matching dresses for our christmas party, naturally (:

long lost buddies...soon to be reunited!!

leigh!!! my loveeee

my favorite roommate ever...we walk through life together. <3

i can't find a family photo, we need one of everyone including sofia, gary, and carson...anyway, it would go HERE!!

<3 me, <3 YOU!



These are the scars deep in your heart
this is the place you were born
this is the hole where most of your soul comes ripping out
from the places you've been torn

and it is always yours
but I am always yours


.we will always have our past, but Christ is always our future.

Nookie Nook

So I found this little 'nook'-my sitting place at the end of upper west the other day. I broke my computer so now I can't use internet in there...my plug in won't work, oops. The other day though, I discovered this lovely little corner right by the staircase that conveniently has wifi...which is where I am currently residing.

I love this place (especially now with the christmas lights up and NO flourescents). No one likes flourescents, I don't know why they are used other than expense purposes. Anyway, I like this spot because I can see the entire hall and the entirety of its beauty. It has also already led to many great conversations that otherwise would not have taken place.

I think I shall get a cushion or chair...I think I shall reside here often. Too many great things have already occured to do otherwise!

God's glory can shine through the most random of places, like my little nook at the top of the stairs.