
Kennedy Goodness

Sitting at kennedy, forgot a pen, however I did remember my journal...which presents quite a problem...resulting in my need to blog.  Need to journal some how! :) 

First of all, I'm sitting at my favorite local coffee shop and it's decked out for the season. Poinsettias are beautifully dispersed throughout, there are icicle lights hanging from the ceiling...it's quite lovely. Another thing great about this place, in the past 3 days of being here, I have seen over 4 men reading scripture and accompanying texts.  Oh bible belt, how I missed you.  Such a beautiful thing to see men reading and studying scripture, Praise God!!! 

Had a thought this morning-what if ever time we thought about someone we prayed for them? Prayer is such a powerful thing and is too often forgotten.  

A dear friend of mine told me about how you can download John Pipers books for free from his website, a pdf file.  I've been wanting to read his book "This Momentary Marriage", and now I get to! About 30 pages in, so good, quotes to come. 

This is an A.D.D. blog at its finest, but I'm home for Christmas and its different this time and I love it. 


He is Enough

One of my biggest things lately...well there's a few...but one of them is living a lifestyle of thanksgiving. 

I've been so convicted lately about my lack of thankfulness.  The Lord is so good, and no matter the circumstances I should be thankful and praising His name, because goodness knows He has already worked it out to bring Himself glory-and shouldn't that be enough?

I'm not quite sure what my deal is, but lately everything brings me to tears.  I was telling Brett today on our car ride to La Jolla about a story of something that occurred at work last night and I was overwhelmed by the joy of the Lord.  The Lord's faithfulness, provision, and just goodness in general has overtaken me and the result-tears of joy.  Work has been such an incredible opportunity for me to live out what I say I believe (James 1:22-24 status).  Praise God for His provision!!! 

 1.      the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment ofbenefits or favors, esp. to god.

an expression of thanks, esp. to God.
a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor orkindness.
a day set apart for giving thanks to God.


Home, I'm ready for you.

I don't know how I continually get to this point, time and time again.  The point where I realize that I have been trying to manage to get by in life on my own, days where I forget to surrender and give my flesh to the Lord. 

Praise God for His grace though!!! Immeasurable, unattainable, but continual grace....that is so undeserving but thats what makes it such an incredible gift. 

When life gets busy, my time with the Lord dwindles...which means everything else starts to wilt as well. Im in that spot again, but so thankful that in 2 weeks, 2 weeks from today to be exact I get to go home.  I get to escape from the routine for a while and spend as much time with the Lord as I want.  I won't be busy with school, work, and other such obligations...ahh I'm so excited. I pray the Lord teaches me to seek Him even in the crazy times....

Ive been told numerous times that I won't always have time to spend as much "time" with the Lord as I need or want or He deserves...but that I just have to walk in the spirit throughout the day, and pray without ceasing. And I get that...and I hear where those people are coming from...but if you know anything at all about me, you know that I love one on one time-quality time, that is intimately and deeply spent. I need actual tangible time to sit and rest at the feet of my Savior and dwell in His goodness. 

Home, I'm ready for you.