
Exhale slowly.

I just got a new job with 24 Hour Fitness, which I am sooooo incredibly thankful that the Lord provided a job! 8 months without a job was nearly making me insane, not to mention the financial stress of it all. But man, all that waiting truly made me more dependent on the Lord than I think I have ever been, Brett and I both. It's both of our prayers that the dependence is something that continues even though our situation doesn't seem as desperate, but our souls are still.

Went through elementary school-check.
Graduated High School-check.
Graduated college-check.

Now what?

I ask myself that nearly every day. My soul is delighted by the fact that the Lord knows and I just have to be still and listen. Sometimes that being still part is incredibly difficult! I started reviewing my student loan repayment information today, realized that my front tires are incredibly bald, and figured out how much I'll be making monthly. Needless to say I suddenly got overwhelmed. But as I look back on the 23 years of my life I realize how many times I got overwhelmed, and evidentially I made it out okay because I am sitting on my bed with this laptop writing this post. Deep breath, exhale. Everything's going to be okay. It always is! The Lord ALWAYS makes a way.

Day by day, trusting in Him, everything will be okay. Perhaps not easy, but it will be okay! Praise the Lord for His promises!!


I haven't written in ages, not sure as to why that is. Regardless, the other day I had a revelation! I realize that as people and Christians we are constantly caught up in what's next in life and what our plan is, what life after college looks like for you, etc. Here is where the revelation takes place, as Christians shouldn't we be even MORE aware of the fact that we don't have to have a plan. Not having a plan is BEAUTIFUL in a very uncomfortable kind of way. It leaves an incredible amount of room for God to move.

I can be the first to say that my life has been nothing short of completely opposite of what I planned, hoped, and expected-but all that to say, God has definitely been orchestrating the events to a "T". It has been hard, stressful, uncomfortable, it has brought me to my knees in prayer due to being at a complete loss for what to do.

All that to say, stop asking each other "what's next?" or "what do you want to do after you graduate?". Granted those are fine questions, but instead I think it would be way more encouraging and less stressful to the individual being asked to approach the situation differently. Perhaps by asking, "so where do you think God will take you next?". Because isn't that the reality of the situation? It's not about what we want, it's about our will aligning with Christ's and us following through with that. It's the beauty of being fully submitted to the Lord.


Controversy at it's Finest

Friends, I ask you to not allow ignorance to be bliss...please consider what I feel so convicted to say. 

Contraceptions in the Christian marriage are so readily used, and honestly, used without much thought.  Aren't contraceptions "playing God"? People/couples often say, "well I want to get married, but I am not ready for children yet, so we are just being responsible by ______ (fill in the blank with "taking the pill"/"condoms"/etc). 

A few questions to consider:
  1. Where is the faith in God and the trust in God that He will bless you with a child in His perfect timing? 
  2. How is enjoying the pleasure of sex without the responsibility of sex godly? 
  3. Or rather, how does it bring glory to God or sanctify your marriage?
If you don't want to make it about God, then do the research on "the pill" and all of its side affects before you choose to frequently take it. 

I know this is a touchy subject, but lets be real here...too often these subjects go unaddressed among Christians or Christians that do not receive discipling in any form.  I pray that you would seek scripture and it's view on this subject.  Also, that Christians would stop letting the touchy subject slide under the rug and go so quickly dismissed because we don't want to step on each other's toes. 

Love you all, 
Me (:  


.And That Has Made All The Difference.

I haven't blogged in a while, figured it's about that time again.  All I really have to say that is I am so thankful for the journey!! As I near graduation, just a few short months away, I am overwhelmed by God's goodness and faithfulness.  I can't imagine my life taking a different path had I chosen to go to the University of Arkansas, life would look so much differently than it does today. 

We read a poem last semester in an english class, and I can't help but think about how much that poem rings true for me. 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
-Robert Frost-

When everything in me wanted to run, the Lord kept confirming to me that "For I know the plans I have for you--this is the Lord's declaration--plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" Jer. 29:11.  And so often we hear that verse and quit reading but if you continue, it just blows me away that I serve such a loving God.  "You will call to Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart" Jer. 29:12-13.  

Praise God for provision in my life, that I could never foresee but He knew and allowed to be. The friendships that challenged my walk with God, that encouraged me to see things from a new perspective, that pulled me out of complacency, for Brett Kenneth Alden-the only man I ever want to be with, that the Lord so uniquely designed to compliment my every area of weakness...for my new found appreciation for my family and friends at home, to learning how to live an intentional lifestyle, and most of all...just how to trust the Lord and have faith in Him, and Him alone.