

Reading old journal entries is pretty telling of where my relationship with God is at the current time. Either I would directly state where it was...or based on what my topics of conversation where, it is so incredibly evident...and CONVICTING, nonetheless.

Ha, they are great to read because it is so clear that when I'm having a bad attitude, lacking patience, or frustrated about something...I can nearly guarantee my relationship with the Lord is inconsistent or non existent that day or week.

I need to keep going back and reading them...they are a good reminder of where I am versus where I should be....

I have a lot to work on.
But I like that.

P.S. i never realized how introverted i really am until this summer, i kind of like the peace of being who i am rather than who i feel like i need to be. it's very freeing.

1 comment:

Caleb Grimm said...

You're neat.