
My Prayer. My Hope.

When the day is done
And there's no one else around
While I'm lying here in bed
You're in my heart, You're in my head
You're all I need, You're all I need

There are a million voices
Calling out my name
But You're the One I want to hear
So make the others disappear

You are all I need when I'm surrounded
You are all I need if I'm by myself
You fill me when I'm empty
There is nothing else

When the morning comes
And Your mercy is renewed
There's a fire in my bones
I'm not afraid to go alone

You're all I need
You're all I need

The sun on my face
I hear You whisper loud
You're still the God that opens seas
Every flower, even me

You're all I need
You're all I need

I'm drawn to everything that You do
Nothing compares with You


A Lot to Consider

Observing people fascinates me. The things they say, what they do, how they react, the way they dress, down to how they talk. The things they value or seem to value based off their conversations, etc.

All of which leads me to question what I say, what I do, how I react, how I dress, they way I speak and interact, the things I appear to value versus what is truly important to me.

Now I am sitting here and it's February but I am already trying to plan the fall semester. Where will I live? Who with? Where will I work? How will I afford everything? And I sit here left with a few thoughts....1. God already knows and that fact alone gives me peace....2. If I move off campus and get a job, life becomes a little more complicated. More about work and less about people...is that selfish?..3. Should my Senior year be a repeat of high school? More work, less pay, a lot of responsibilities, and a lot of relationships fall through the cracks...

A lot to consider..

Incessant Questioning

Today I recalled my 10th grade year, specifically my Advanced Algebra II class. Why is this significant I am sure you are wondering?...Well it was the first time I remember being a mindless form complying to the 'system', that would be the educational system.

My teacher got so angered by my incessant questioning. I was the student that asked what the purpose of learning algebraic equations. She would just say because you will use it in life. I then would continue asking when in life because honestly I didn't see when algebraic equations would ever be used in my life.  

That year and that teacher are what made me realize to just shut up and do it. Whether I believed it or not, whether I saw a purpose or not, those things no longer mattered. She made it clear that it did not matter what I thought, that I just had to do it because that is the way it has always been done.

I continued that route through highschool, how else would I have gotten a 4.2 my senior year if I didn't just become mindless and comply to the antics of the flawed educational system. I am back to seeing the value of questioning. What we are asked to learn should make us better suited for life. Does it? I'm still left pondering that one.

and so IT begins

Ever since the first time I held my first disposable camera when I was about a foot and a half shorter I have loved capturing life in a still frame. Something about it just excited me. Something about it drew me in instantly and has yet to loosen its grip of desire.

I love capturing those little moments that would have otherwise gone forgotten. I skim through old photos and that little piece of paper with splashes of color breaths to life that moment all over again. The conversations that were occuring, the scenery, the interactions.

It never grows tiring, I always enjoy it. There is always something to be captured. Always something to be observed. Always something to learn and absorb into my soul.

And so begins my journey. First step, purshasing my first SLR.


Mi Familia

This would be my family minus my parents. My siblings and I surprised them for Christmas with this picture of all the kids and their signifcant others and now their grandchild too! 2 are on the way in this photo also :)

So starting from the back left we have Joshua or Joshie as I like to call him, he's the youngest.
Then we have Mark, Markie :), he is the 2nd oldest and the oldest of the brothers..
Next is Gary, he is my oldest sisters husband and they are expecting another in July!
Now we have Aaron, or A-ron, he is the 3rd oldest (2nd oldest broseph)..
Daniel is the 2nd youngest, he's only 16, but he's never looked his age.
Now I am clearly on the front left, I am the middle child of the 7 children and the middle of the Girls
Then we have Sofia, she is Mark's wife, she is from Namibia and they are due at the beginning of April :)
Next is my oldest sissie, Jessica (Jessie), she has her son Carson and one on the way
Beside her is Stephanie, she is Aaron's girlfriend of several years, not exactly sure how long lol..
Last but definitely not least is Jenny, or JenLynn, she is the 5th in line and the youngest of the girls

So here's my current family, but at this rate we are going to expand rapidly. But then again, I guess we haven't ever really been that small of a family.

Luke Warm Latte-Yuck

Another bloggie from my journal. :)

I've noticed among myself and others an abundance of blaming things on the enemy. I feel like this is a fine line. There is a fine line between never owning up and taking responsibility for your actions and discrediting the enemy. Clearly he is powerful and evil and would like to do anything in his power to pull us into complacency and being comfortable-luke warmness! Rev. 3:14-22 in the letter to Laodicea warns about not being hot nor cold.

The enemy wants to destroy the Lord's kingdom and suffocate the passion of believers so that we come like a stagnant river just festering disease. 

Take up your sword and the full armor of God daily! "Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight for the faith; take hold of eternal life, to which you were called..." 1 Tim. 6:11-12

If someone tried to tell you to drink their luke warm latte and it was your first time to try it...would you be compelled to want to taste that again? Why would you do that with your Christianity and love for the Lord...

22nd Year

This is a journal entry from my birthday...

It's my 22nd year today, thank you Lord for a very blessed 21 years of life. Thank you for being faithful and providing. Thank you for encouragement and strength at all times! This past year has been an eventful one amidst the birth of Carson, Mark & Jessica's weddings, God revealing to me the different areas of sin in my life that I really struggle. Lord God my shelter from the storm, my hiding place where I can dwell in Your spirit-I thank you for the testings and the growth that have occured over this past year.

Lord I devote my 22nd year and those years ahead that You do or don't give me to further Your kingdom. I pray for boldness to speak of You when I feel timid or uncomfortable. Help me to learn what it means to die to my flesh and my selfish desires daily. I pray to be a more devoted in prayer and word woman of God, that my thoughts and deeds would have a pure motive-to glorify You and and You alone.

Thank you for life, for forgiveness that runs much deeper than I can ever fully comprehend. Lord use me. Break down my selfish, stubborn nature so that I may glorify You purely, separate from my flesh.

Thank you God for this day, for another year of life, and hard but good lessons!!

I love you always,