2 Timothy 4:6-8 is what passage his sermon was based on.
I'm just going to give the key phrases...and leave the discussion portion of it out...
- Live for eternity by GIVING (of yourself)
- Phil. 1:21 "Living is Christ and dying is gain"
- Are you pouring your life out for Jesus Christ? Or for everything in the world that carries no weight? (sports, recreation, careers) You can pour your life out for Christ, and let those be the avenue, but they can't CONSUME who you are.
- "With all that I am & with all that I've had, I have served the Lord!" (that's what Paul was saying in 2 Tim. 4:7)
- All rewards we receive are "in the future" (vs. 8) meaning HEAVEN not earth.
- Earthly rewards burn and die when we do, but heavenly rewards last for an ETERNITY
- At the judgement seat we will be judged on what we did for Christ while on earth and our motive for doing it.
- Focusing on Jesus' future coming will determine your behavior now and your rewards in Heaven.
- LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH AN ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE-->meaning live your life daily like the Lord is coming back that day. We will be quicker to love, slower to argue, be more intentional with every word and action....Paul lived with an eternal perspective. He valued things that were eternal, invested in what is eternal..and not the frivolous things of this earth.
- How would you alter today knowing God is coming tomorrow?
- Why are we SO in love/intrigued by this world? (And live like the world)
- Too often people say that they made a sacrifice, this huge sacrifice, to go and serve the Lord, or because God called them somewhere and they followed resulting in 'sacrifice'. But who made the ULTIMATE sacrifice? Certainly not us....it was God, who gave His perfect son to die for the world so that we may have eternal salvation.
My perspective was slapped back into place today by this message...."Lord I'm amazed by You, how You love me".
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