I have just recently begun an endless journey of discovering my passion(s)...
I'm passionate about God
I love to write
I thrive off of a good challenge
I like change (because it's a challenge)....
A good friend challenged me to view myself from 30,000 feet away, basically view myself from the perspective of a general spectator or a friend. I never realized the complexity of attempting to view yourself from everyone else's perception. Attempting is a key word in that previous sentence because I believe this tool takes a great deal of time to acquire, at least that is the case for me.
I realized when I started to view myself from the perception of others, that my personality/strengths/etc contrasted greatly among different people. Initial thought, to question whether or not my varying personality is a good thing, natural. I believe it is natural for various people to see you through different lenses...that's a different convo though...back to passions.
All of my friends are musicians...well, most of them. They have discovered their passion, and it is for music. Realizing so, this got me thinking about my own. What drives me? Motivates me? Gets me fired up? What will I work at for hours without it becoming monotonous because I desire it so much?
That same friend from above, also challenged me to look for significant patterns, personal needs, my giftedness, and then hindrances/blockages. All of which I attempted to evaluate in 30 minutes, because I am a results oriented person and I wanted the answer right then! Of course that is foolish, passions are built and discovered over time. God will reveals those things to me in time, they are a gift, but I do believe I need to do my part. I need to be pursuing different avenues that intrigue me. Take a few risks. Bump my head along the way. Trials that are overcome only make us stronger in our faith in Him. I believe this journey is going to be one of those times where I'm stretched, challenged, molded, and strengthened.
All of my friends are musicians....which leaves me pondering...'what is my passion'?
About Me
Blog Archive
- Plant, Build, Difference. CHANGE.
- "Marriage is Designed to Make Us Holy More Than Ha...
- Hm..
- Some of my "Before I Die"s....
- All of My Friends are Musicians
- May I Be Knocked Down to Draw Strength from Him
- Blah, Blah, Blah
- Intention & Motivation
- Accountability Promotes Growth
- Tangent
- Stream of Consciousness
- Lord I'm Amazed by You
1 comment:
Here's something to help clue you. http://www.entrepreneur.com/magazine/homeofficemagcom/2001/march/38294.html
Take all that you wrote in your blog - put it all together - like a recipe - and what do you get? That's what you're passionate about.
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