
Plant, Build, Difference. CHANGE.

I am pretty pumped about summer camp that is coming up in about 3 weeks now. My initial thoughts were pretty skeptical...too often you see students go, get on this spiritual high, but there is no real heart or lifestyle change. I get dissappointed everytime that happens...I just want to see them TRULY desire God's heart!!

Then I remembered how many students really do change, their hearts, their lifestyle, their habits....and it sticks. The Holy Spirit begins to dwell in their hearts, and starts to overtake their sinfulness. We are all guilty of sin, we are all ALWAYS going to be guilty of sin (Rom. 3:23). If just 1 students life is changed and they desire to bring God glory through their words, actions, thoughts....that's enough to make it worth going. Planting a seed is worth going. Even if their is no initial change, perhaps, I or some other leader will be used by God to plant a seed in that student. Some other Pastor or student, or whoever, will water that seed that begins the growth. Then change occurs.

My initial thoughts were selfish...and not of God, that's for sure. I am going...to plant a seed. I am going...to build relationships. I am going...to be used by God to make a difference in students lives. Why don't I go into every day with that mindset? If that's not convicting then I don't know what is. Why do I open myself up to be used at camp but not every single day? I am not saying that I shut down opportunities when they arise...however, I most certainly don't live every day for the Lord, for others, to show christ-like love....

Plant a seed. Build relationships. Make a difference. BE the change.

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