So...I went on a coffee date with an old friend, we talked about life, getting old, and how this may be our last summer to enjoy being 'students' and not having any true responsibilities. (aka career, bills, spouse, kids, ahhhhh).
I don't mean any of this in a 'debbie-downer' kind of way, but more of a realization kind of way. Like a 'just so you know' kind of thought, so you don't let the summer pass you by without you taking full advantage of the time. Lets face the facts...we are getting older every day that passes by. We are taking on more and more responsibilities, and with that comes a tad more stress. Many blessings also come with responsibility, but yeah that's a different story.
You know those lists, the ones with all the things you want to see or do, it's time to bust those out and to start checking some things off! Now is the time to act free and independent of obligations. Take advantage of it! Unless you happen to be one of the few that doesn't buy into this american dream of working so you can pay for things, so that you can work more, to buy more things (that you probably could do without if you really thought about it). Once again, that's a whole different story, lol...boy do I get off topic easy. ADD perhaps? Maybe a smidge.
This might be my last time to live at home for more than just a week or a few weeks stay. I want to absorb everything I can, and never let go. I need to work on my ability to appreciate the 'process'. Incase you weren't already aware, I'm a results-oriented person. Don't ask me how I accomplished something, just ask me when it got accomplished. I'm working on appreciating the process, which involves patience. Patience is not an attribute I possessed a little less than a year ago. Then this individual came into my life who just so happens to be a proccesor, boy oh boy does God have a sense of humor!
Once again I went off on a tangent. And preface, here I go again. I'm so thankful for my own room, my little refuge. First time to have my own room in what seems life forever. It's a blessing. After a day full of socialness, solitude is huge.
Random thoughts, I don't know why I end or ever even state 'random thoughts/tangents' what have you. Fact of the matter is, I talk about random things.
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- Plant, Build, Difference. CHANGE.
- "Marriage is Designed to Make Us Holy More Than Ha...
- Hm..
- Some of my "Before I Die"s....
- All of My Friends are Musicians
- May I Be Knocked Down to Draw Strength from Him
- Blah, Blah, Blah
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- Accountability Promotes Growth
- Tangent
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- Lord I'm Amazed by You
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