
Exhale slowly.

I just got a new job with 24 Hour Fitness, which I am sooooo incredibly thankful that the Lord provided a job! 8 months without a job was nearly making me insane, not to mention the financial stress of it all. But man, all that waiting truly made me more dependent on the Lord than I think I have ever been, Brett and I both. It's both of our prayers that the dependence is something that continues even though our situation doesn't seem as desperate, but our souls are still.

Went through elementary school-check.
Graduated High School-check.
Graduated college-check.

Now what?

I ask myself that nearly every day. My soul is delighted by the fact that the Lord knows and I just have to be still and listen. Sometimes that being still part is incredibly difficult! I started reviewing my student loan repayment information today, realized that my front tires are incredibly bald, and figured out how much I'll be making monthly. Needless to say I suddenly got overwhelmed. But as I look back on the 23 years of my life I realize how many times I got overwhelmed, and evidentially I made it out okay because I am sitting on my bed with this laptop writing this post. Deep breath, exhale. Everything's going to be okay. It always is! The Lord ALWAYS makes a way.

Day by day, trusting in Him, everything will be okay. Perhaps not easy, but it will be okay! Praise the Lord for His promises!!

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