
Part 1: All 'A' Honor Roll

My 'world' began unraveling day one of my San Diego adventure that started August of 2008. Everything I put stock and found value in that was not from God has slowly been revealed to me throughout the past 2 years. It has rocked me.

A little preface. Growing up in a family of 7 children is a blessing, but it's a tough road. When I was little getting my parents approval and attention equaled love in my eyes. What was my avenue of achieving such love (please note I said 'achieve love')?? I got attention through accomplishing things. I was naturally pretty good at school, so academics seemed to be the obvious choice. I worked my butt off when I was in 2nd grade to get that little lamented gold card that said "all A honor roll" which meant I got a free ice cream in the cafeteria. It also gave me bragging rights at home. I got all the attention I could ever dream of when I was successful, or at least that's how I conditioned myself.

Almost 2 decades down the road I was introduced to the concept of love without works. This may throw some of you, I did in fact receive the Lord as my Savior when I was 8. I suppose I never made the connection that people were even remotely capable of that unconditional kind of love that came without works.

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