
He is Enough

One of my biggest things lately...well there's a few...but one of them is living a lifestyle of thanksgiving. 

I've been so convicted lately about my lack of thankfulness.  The Lord is so good, and no matter the circumstances I should be thankful and praising His name, because goodness knows He has already worked it out to bring Himself glory-and shouldn't that be enough?

I'm not quite sure what my deal is, but lately everything brings me to tears.  I was telling Brett today on our car ride to La Jolla about a story of something that occurred at work last night and I was overwhelmed by the joy of the Lord.  The Lord's faithfulness, provision, and just goodness in general has overtaken me and the result-tears of joy.  Work has been such an incredible opportunity for me to live out what I say I believe (James 1:22-24 status).  Praise God for His provision!!! 

 1.      the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment ofbenefits or favors, esp. to god.

an expression of thanks, esp. to God.
a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor orkindness.
a day set apart for giving thanks to God.

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