

It has been far too long, and that is all I have to say about that.

Life, what God's been up to, the challenges, the encouragements, the love, the people...the endless life lessons....lately I feel as though I am a little piece of wood being chiseled away by God's whittle.  I have no clue where to begin to write because it has been, as said above, far too long...so for some reason I feel led to just give the key words/phrases....

-My souls depravity=making me so aware of my need for God
-The more God uses me for the purpose of others, the less selfish I become
-Selfishness vs Selflessness
-Pure love, unconditional love, free of expectations/achievements
-Learning more and more each day lived is not about me or what I may think I want
-Pray without ceasing
-Process of sanctification
-Awareness of the battle and eternity that souls may spend in hell if intentionality isn't lived out, not that I can bring salvation, but God can use me to plant seeds to bring others to that point of desperation for Christ in their lives
-Life in private matching life in public, but really...life in public matching life in private (think about that one)....so often the emphasis is put on how much sin & depravity we live out when we are in private that we would never publicly make aware....however, what if the emphasis was put on how we live out life publicly matching how we live privately...I feel like that is more of a "hope" statement...if you live your life publicly loving on others and praying, demonstrating selflessness and generosity for others to see, but  in private you are seeking self-gratification, etc....I don't know...it makes sense in my head
-member those cheesy WWJD bracelets...man, that thought carries so much weight with me lately...seriously, in EVERY situation if I take the time to consider what Jesus would have done or how He would have responded....hmmm

Until next time.
Live life intentionally.
Love others.
Pray constantly.

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