
The Escape

 The welcoming of a familiar face...the embrace of a dear friend...the familiar face anticipating every need I might have...my favorite little table-the one in the corner that sits unusually high but gets the greatest view...the warm lighting that makes any stranger feel at home...the specifically chosen music that perfectly illustrates the uniqueness of each individual behind the counter...

This place is much more than a coffee shop, it is near and dear to my heart. I have gathered here with my friends over the past eight years and when I allow my mind to be consumed by it I see a real of film playing through the different scenes and emotions. When life's crazy antics become too pressing-I escape.  This place is one full of endearment from those behind the counter to the those whom I am blessed to be accompanied by. This place has served as a medium for amazing times spent with lifelong friends, endless times filled with laughter, the inescapable tears of joy and tears of heartache, a place where I can study for those too long procrastinated assignments, a place where when I am burdened by so many thoughts swirling through my head I can escape and pound them out in the movement of my wrist along the pages...this place consumes my thoughts with incredibly blessed memories. This place is more than just a coffee shop, it is a fond memory. A memory filled with memories...of years gone by. 

This place is much more than a coffee shop, you have served your community well.  You provided a venue for intimate and personal encounters, with an endearing connection from those behind the counter to those whom walk through the door.  Never lose that. 

Sometimes people ask me why I go there so often, and so one day I finally sat down and really thought about it.  I now know why...

1 comment:

Malia said...

I like this. And I am genuinely glad that you're writing again..
This endearment is also how I feel about my car. It's genuinely a tool of ministry that God has blessed me with! love ya!