

Today in Marketing and Communication teams presented an 'inappropriate' commercial and stated how it could have been redone with a Christian worldview. Being the only girl in the class it made me feel a tad uncomfortable, which is an understatement. However, it was interesting to see which groups chose what commercials. Some chose ones that were just purely funny and pushing the line of inappropriate, others chose down right raunchy.

I hate that media exploits a God-given natural desire. We kind of touched briefly on this in leadership class yesterday. We have learned since a young age that sex=bad. So we associate those who have sex before marriage with being bad, which is judgement. Media and the world have turned something that was so beautifully and intricately designed into something that is ungodly, erotic, and taken SO far out of its original context.

Why does television, movies, computers, etc take advantage of a God given desire by exploiting way past its intended purpose? This is a rhetorical question....answers would probably frustrate me further..

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