
Incessant Questioning

Today I recalled my 10th grade year, specifically my Advanced Algebra II class. Why is this significant I am sure you are wondering?...Well it was the first time I remember being a mindless form complying to the 'system', that would be the educational system.

My teacher got so angered by my incessant questioning. I was the student that asked what the purpose of learning algebraic equations. She would just say because you will use it in life. I then would continue asking when in life because honestly I didn't see when algebraic equations would ever be used in my life.  

That year and that teacher are what made me realize to just shut up and do it. Whether I believed it or not, whether I saw a purpose or not, those things no longer mattered. She made it clear that it did not matter what I thought, that I just had to do it because that is the way it has always been done.

I continued that route through highschool, how else would I have gotten a 4.2 my senior year if I didn't just become mindless and comply to the antics of the flawed educational system. I am back to seeing the value of questioning. What we are asked to learn should make us better suited for life. Does it? I'm still left pondering that one.

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