

I think that naturally as humans we learn to adapt to our given environment. I also think that growing up as the middle child of 7 I have learned to near master this skill of adaptation. However, now I am left thinking which parts of me are the 'adapted' parts of my personality or skills that I do, and what actually comes natural for me.

Not really positive why this popped into my head, but I am beginning to realize that my detail-orientedness is an adapted skill that I can do well, however it is definitely not my favorite. And...I have a tendency to try to find the shorter route, because I think I will get the same result. Which in some cases may be true, but in others, not so much and it results in a hand slap.

Another is being clean and neat. I can be, because I know it needs to be done, but it definitely isn't a priority to me.

My priorities as of now consist of God, people (family, friends, random people at places I frequently visit that I just haven't met yet), challenges, music, writing, trying to better myself so I can better others. I'm sure there are more, but these are things I love. These are things I know and enjoy. Everything else is just an adaption to my environment.

Sometimes I feel like my adaptions are viewed as strengths (which maybe they are) but definitely not what I truly enjoy. I think I do that to other people too. Assume that just because someone is 'good' at something, doesn't mean they enjoy it.

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