
Stream of Consciousness

Random thoughts circling in and out of my consciousness lately…

-Work on setting more realistic expectations of myself. (which in turn directly affects having realistic expectations of others)
I was talking to someone very close to me tonight, and he was saying how most people have 4-6 areas in their life where they invest their time and energy and those 4-6 areas total up to 100%. For example, I give 20% of my time to God, 30% investing in people, x% to work, etc, you get the idea. However, he said that I give 100% of myself to God, 100% to others, 100% to work, anyway that’s the basic idea.

-Give this summer fully to God.
That’s so easy for me to say, but so difficult for me to do. Fact of the matter is, I like to be in control of my circumstances and situations. This summer is going to entail more than I could ever handle on my own. Good thing I have God on my side, because goodness knows He can make things turn out far better than I can with my own abilities. This summer is going to consist of deepening past relationships that have been conditioned to function a certain way, which I don’t feel like going into. Also, those relationships have been conditioned to a certain level of depth that I am no longer satisfied with operating and relating at. Family relationships need help too (depth, accountability, realization of softness, etc, etc).

-My moods affect more than just me.
-I'm stressed about going home this summer. I just need to let God use me & run with it. I need to learn how to not control things...
-Accountability & mentoring->need to find it, more like, let God reveal it. (which is out of my control, ha)
-More intentional relationships? (both at home & at school)
-Learning to soak in the current moments rather than always looking forward to what's next is something I struggle with.

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